Rope Rescue
Rope Rescue Operational: This 40-hour comprehensive training course meeting the requirements of NFPA 1670, Chapter 4. The course is designed for the emergency responder who may be called upon to locate, gain access to, stabilize and remove patients in a high angle environment.
Rope Rescue: Technician: This 40-hour course in advanced rope rescue systems satisfies the requirements of NFPA 1670 4-4 Rope Rescue Technician. At the conclusion of the course each student shall demonstrate the proper use of standard rope rescue techniques within the high-angle/low-angle environment.
Confined Space
Confined Space: 8, 24 and 40 hour: Courses are designed for employees who are responsible for performing confined space entries on the job. These programs will train the employee so they may be part of a confined space rescue team, and is based on standards established with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146.
Trench Rescue
Trench Rescue Technician: This 40-hour course provides the student with the necessary knowledge to mitigate incidents involving trench or excavation collapse. Topics include hazard recognition, equipment use, and techniques necessary to operate safely and effectively at excavation emergencies involving collapse or failure of individual, intersecting and nonintersecting trenches with an initial depth of 8 feet or less.
Photo Credit: Rope Rescue – diveofficer via Compfight cc, Confined Space Rescue – ER24 EMS (Pty) Ltd. via Compfight cc, Trench Rescue – charlottefire via Compfight cc